Let’s be real – the hospital bag is usually one of the last things to be crossed off your to-do list before baby arrives and by that point you just want to get it done.You’e so ready for baby to be here, but you also know how important it is to pack the right items because you want to feel as comfortable as possible during a not-so-comfortable experience, right? But for months leading up to giving birth, new moms are inundated with friendly {but often confusing and sometimes conflicting} pieces of advice. It can be hard to navigate which pieces of information to listen to – especially given that everyone’s birthing experience is so different. TBH – I felt a little overwhelmed by it all! But after talking with a few close friends and family, I think I finally narrowed down a list to what I will consider my ‘essentials’ when heading to the hospital to have our baby.
Below is my version of a hospital packing guide that will make a thoughtful hospital stay in Labor & Delivery. Honestly, the main takeaway I received was that the hospital will provide you with a lot – so don’t stress too much. It’s really just deciding what you want to bring of your own, and what you want to rely on them for. It’s all up to you and your preference! And if you forget something, it’s not the end of the world – you will be well taken care of regardless! All that matters is a healthy and happy baby.
For the Hospital:
- Wallet {with ID/insurance card etc}
- Birth plan {if you have one}
- Cord blood banking kit {if you plan on doing that}
- Pillow + pillow case in a pattern distinguishable from hospital white. More than one friend told me that the hospital pillows go through a lot and even though they are ‘cleaned’ it is recommended to bring your own. Say no more! I bought this silk pillowcase {less expensive version here} because a mom friend told me that it helped keep her cool, but also didn’t mess up her hair while pushing, leaving it nice looking for pictures immediately after baby was born {hey! why not, right?!}
- Blanket – The blankets you get in the hospital are often thin. Bringing your own just guarantees a more comfortable {and warm!} stay for you and your partner.
- Towel – same goes for towels! The hospital will probably provide a very small + thin one. I’m bringing this one from Weezie so I can have a nice, cozy shower after what I’m sure will be a very long, hard day of labor!
- Rubber flip flops – to wear in hospital shower
- Extra long charging cords – you never know where a plug in might be in relation to your bed and you don’t want to lose a charge while waiting {and waiting} for baby to come. Might also consider a portable charger and/or an extension cord.
- A portable light – Often times hospital rooms only have super bright overhead lighting. I’ve heard a little clip on lamp goes a long way during the nighttime feedings. I bought this one!
- Glasses or contacts if you wear them
- Hair ties + bobby pins
- Snacks – granola bars, or anything you or your husband want to snack on!
- Chapstick {hospitals can be very dry!}
- Socks – Hospitals can be freezing! A bunch of friends recommended the no-slip grip ones, but I don’t like those {plus I wouldn’t walk around in socks and then put those in the bed….} I will likely just wear a pair of my husband’s tall socks
- Laptop {or any diversion for a long labor – playing cards, book, iPad etc}
- Baby book pages for handprints + footprints and anything other page you would want to fill out {I bought this book!}
- Personal items: This includes anything that will make you feel human again after giving birth! Hairbrush, shampoo/conditioner, toothbrush/toothpaste, deodorant, hair dryer/straightener, face products, + make up
- Nursing bra + nursing pads
- Nightgown + robe {also this one} – I am bringing a few nursing friendly nightgowns {also this} and pajama options.
- Notebook + pen for writing down thank yous + reminders
- Refillable water bottle – I love this one. Holds 40 oz which will be crucial for breastfeeding too! Hospital will most likely also provide one for you, but just in case you want your own!
- Comfortable outfit to head home in {bring clothes in different sizes to make sure they fit!} I plan on wearing an all white or blue striped Mi Golondrina {similar to this one!
For baby:
- I have a few Feltman Brothers options. Pro tip: pack a few preemie options just in case baby comes out smaller than you expected! Newborn clothing can often swallow the little ones.
- Special baby blanket – I bought this one! Love the sweet scalloped edges.
- Swaddle blanket
- Hat with name – I ordered this one! But without the knot
For your significant other::
- A mattress topper
- A blanket + pillow
- An eye mask
- Ear buds
Being open to thousands of opinions on my social media platforms, I know the amount of ‘noise’ or information out there can be overwhelming. But it can also be incredible helpful and empowering! We have such an incredible community of mamas out there with important and relevant information so please feel free to add any thing I missed in the comments section below! I’m always curious to hear from seasoned mamas who know more than I do! 😉
Something I’m SO glad I brought was a pair of house slippers. I ended up having an emergency c section and due to all of the fluids and medication they pumped into me, my legs and feet were swollen beyond imagination. I couldn’t fit into any of my cute shoes or even my tennis shoes I brought to wear home! I would have had to go home in socks if I didn’t have my slippers!
Just gave birth last week, and I wish I had brought little foam earplugs! Resting during labor would have been a lot easier if I were constantly hearing the beep of the IV and other machines around me.
Also bring a snug hat for baby—the hospital hats fall off.
I’ve heard that the Frida mama peri washer is a must-have for the hospital and few weeks after… it’s going in my bag even though I’ve not yet given birth!
I packed a zipper jacket for my husband to wear when once our babe was born so he could also get some skin to skin bonding time without being shirtless. It was so cute, he actually zipped up his hoodie to keep our baby girl snug and warm… just melted my heart all over again!!
Just an FYI – I wouldn’t bring anything you would’t want blood on (towels, PJs, Blankets, Robes)…you can leak and not realize until you get up. As first time moms we always overpack ,even when everyone tells us you wont need it…if it makes up feel better to have it, just go with it.
A cooler with snacks and drinks for before and after (the food can take a while, and sometime we need some stuff between feedings and for hubby too!
Also a bought my husband an electric blanket (like from Target) because those hospitals rooms are cold AF!
Collapsible bag and a file folder/binger (You get lots of paperwork!) to bring all the extra baby and mommy stuff home that they give you.
Love this! I am keeping this handy for my baby (she’s 26) so that when she has her first baby, she’s prepared. So many great ideas that I can give as gift’s to her as well. As usual you hit a home run Bridget. Loved your instastory today.
Mother love nipple balm and medela soft shell breast shields. Baby will be pulling super hard to get out the thicker colostrum and causing a lot of pain (I got blood blisters) on those nipples. The only thing you’re going to want to be touching them is AIR!! That’s where the breast shields come in – you can slip them in your bra and put nipple cream (this stuff is organic and ok for baby) on your sore nipples and they can work on healing any time you aren’t feeding. Literally saved me at the beginning of my breastfeeding journey and made it bearable!!
Breast pump/nipple cream. My SIL gave birth just this Monday and while baby was on time, she was sent to the NICU for breathing complications that were unplanned for. While in the NICU, SIL had to start pumping colostrum to send to the NICU since she wasn’t allowed to start feeding from the breast. She left her pump at home not thinking she would need it and was given one by the hospital to borrow which was fine, but more for sanitary reasons wished she had her own. And her nipples were already getting dry so pack that cream!!
So smart!!
Hello. You mention bra but not knickers / panties. Hospitals will give you disposable ones plus pads for the bleeding, but I found they were more than ugly, and not good at staying in place. For my 2nd&3rd babies I packed ‘granny knickers’ and my own sanitary pads and felt much comfier. I intentionally chose some fun prints for the panties.
Great point! I guess I just assumed I would be wearing the mesh undies! Always a good idea to bring your own though