With the end of the school year quickly approaching, I’m sure many of us are beginning to brainstorm teacher gift ideas. Teachers do *so* much for our littles, it’s only right we show them how much we love and appreciate them and the time they invest in our children. My favorite way to gift Henning’s teachers is to put a couple of small items in some sort of bag {this monogrammed raffia one is only $3 on Etsy!!} or a cellophane bag works just fine too. Think of it as a ‘goodie bag’ of sorts. I think these are so much fun to put together and fun for the receiver to open as well! I love to do a mix of beauty, useful ‘teacher’ gifts {like these cute little notepads} or these Weezie dish towels {which I own and love}, or these little cosmetic bags {so cute to fill with a Starbucks or Target gift card! I love little gift sets like these colored tile bracelets or these Peter Thomas Roth mini face masks that are easy to split up among different teachers. Doesn’t take much effort but feels much more thoughtful and special than just a gift card. Make sure to place custom orders soon to ensure they will be here by the last day of school! xx

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