A couple months ago I started noticing really short hairs on the top of my head. It was almost as if someone had taken my hair and cut it an inch out, leaving these pieces that stuck straight out — and it was not cute. I immediately knew what was causing the issues. My hair brush and my impatient way of pulling out knots was literally tearing apart my hair. I casually mentioned this issue to several friends who recommended I switch to a comb, and then to my mom who recommended I try the wet brush. Since I cannot stand combing my hair, I took my mom’s advice, and tried out the wet brush – and holy moly – I was immediately hooked. The bristles are so soft and can literally comb through your hair so easily without ever feeling like its pulling your hair. I literally feel like I’m getting a scalp massage every time I use mine. And the best part? It’s no longer ripping through my hair! I still have those crazy short pieces, but they’ve grown out because the wet brush has since saved my hair! Hallelujah!
Do any of y’all use this miracle worker? If so, let me know how you like it. I’m curious to see if others love it as much as I do!