My bathroom drawers had been driving me crazy for months {maybe even years} and I knew it was now or never before baby to get them organized! Drawing on my own experience with what The Container Store offered, I went over with a few ideas of what organizers would work best in my spaces. I love and good before and after, and I’m pretty proud of how it all turned out, so I wanted to share it with you all! I know that once baby is here, this simple organization will make such a huge difference in giving me some form of peace. When things in my life are organized – I am a more more stable human 😛 Nesting has never felt or looked better 😉
See below for my bathroom transformation and let me know in the comments if you have done anything similar!
Acrylic Storage Containers {click to see all sizes avail}
This drawer was an unorganized tangle of bobby pins, hair ties, hair clips and styling tools. It feels so much better having a home for everything. I actually only used three containers here, but used the negative space in between as storage areas as well! I have found this so easy to keep organized and looking good.
Acrylic Storage Containers {click to see all sizes avail} // Acrylic Toothbrush Holder
This drawer was a catch all drawer – brushes, random headbands, medicine, wipes and q-tips….I never had a spot for my toothpaste and toothbrush so those always just laid messily on my countertop. I use all of these items every single day so I knew I wanted everything to have a home. This new organization gives me all the good feels – I love it.
Clear Deep Stackable Plastic Bin {available here & here} //Â Divided Lazy Susan {mine is the 9″}
The under counter struggle. I had this giant pipe sticking out underneath so I knew finding an organized solution would be somewhat challenging – hence why I let it get as unorganized and messy as I did! I would just throw stuff down there, close the cabinet doors and pray that things wouldn’t fall onto the floor once I opened them again. A friend of mine suggested I use the stackable plastic bins with a lazy susan in the middle and she could not have been more spot on! The lazy susan allows me to have tons of product rotate in a space that would be otherwise limited. The stackable bins are great too – I even have room to fit more on top if I need to down the line!
a closer look…
Clear Stackable Large Shoe Drawer // Clear Stackable Sweater & Accessory Drawer
This large cabinet was a storage spot for old towels, robes and a mishmash of random beauty products. The previous owners of our home had used this cabinet as their medicine storage and I remember really liking their set up {kicking myself for not sneakily taking a photo!} Anyway, I organized my beauty items into categories and put them into the shoe drawers, and then finally organized our medicine and put that into the accessory drawers. I love how clean and easy {and accessible!} it all turned out. As for the shelf above – I kept these items out so I could see them. They are all new-ish items I want to make sure I use before they expire. It’s easier for me to remember to do so if I can see them.
Lipstick Holder // Large Shoe Box // Acrylic Storage Containers
Another drawer that was such a mess. I just threw whatever in here and it would pile up into one giant drawer of crap. I now have vitamins and supplements, long forgotten lipsticks and eyeshadow pallets, extras of my favorite products {revitalash, mascara, bronzer} all organized neatly into their new homes. I think I could even go one step further here and put the bronzer and blushes into a container but for right now it works! I can see everything I have and if I ever run out of a product, I know just where to find it.