Jacket: Old, similar here // Sweater: 360 Helene Sweater // Skirt: Old, exact here & here // Shoes: Christian Louboutin Pigalle Follies {less expensive version here} // Bag: Clare V Clutch // Earrings: Bauble Bar Paris hoop earring {20% off!}
The trees in Dallas are turning and are looking so incredibly beautiful. This batch is right near my house and every time I pass by it, it almost takes my breath away. There is nothing more refreshing than embracing a new season, and I can finally say that Fall is upon us here in the south. This cranberry + red combo was so much fun to put together. One of my favorite fashion mottos is, when in doubt wear all {insert color here} Whether that means all black, all grey, all red, etc it’s an easy & chic way to look effortless. I also loved adding a pop of leopard to this outfit – I don’t wear leopard much, but when I do, I make it count. Here this leopard clutch really stands out from the cranberry and red and makes a fun & playful {yet chic} statement. Last but not least, I topped off this look with my new favorite earrings from Bauble Bar. They’re funky & fun but still elegant & they’re currently on sale for 20% off! Get the details here {& shop quickly – 25% off all earrings ends tonight!}
photos: The Retro Penguin
Well, I just love everything about this look. To start, this oxblood color looks so chic paired with the red. It’s one of those combos, like pink and red or navy and black that people think is taboo. However when paired together in the right way – unbelievable. The darker under layers lets the red coat really pop and with the fall leaves in the background, it looks gorgeous. You even have the perfect side-part-waves going. Sigh. Perfection, I would wear this look head to toe in a heart beat!