Who doesn’t want to score an amazing designer handbag for less? Would you believe me if I told you I bought this one, brand new {tags still attached!} for 1/3 the original price!? eBay is having a special on Coach bags right now that is incredible. There are so many steals for under $100 that it’s almost hard to narrow down my favorites. How perfect is this crossbody? It’s the richest brown and the softest leather, and I love that the body has two separate, zippered compartments. It’s a classic shape and color that I know I will wear it time and time again.
I’m a sucker for a crossbody {I love this one and this one} but Coach also makes amazing totes. These are great for work, and come in so many colors. I love the classic black, but they also have it in the same rich brown color as my crossbody and this beautiful pink-ish nude color as well.
If you aren’t big on bidding for items, eBay makes it easy by offering the ‘buy it now’ option. Over 80% of all items on eBay have the ‘buy it now‘ option making your favorite item that much easier to get. The crossbody was a ‘buy it now’ and the check out & purchase could not have been faster!
What is the best designer bag that you’ve scored for less? Where did you find it? Let me know if the comments!
thank you to eBay for sponsoring this post
photos: The Retro Penguin
Dying over that dress! Can you link it as well?