Everyday I receive questions from readers or followers about my skincare routine. Whether it’s how I use certain products, if I’m liking something I mentioned or what I recommend for a specific issue, it’s always top of mind. And I get it! Who doesn’t want to learn more and be better about taking care of their skin? I’d say I’ve always cared about my skin to some degree, but it really kicked into overdrive 3-4 years ago. I started doing research and testing out products, and I had a blast sharing everything I discovered with all of y’all.
Well, fast forward to this year when I had Henning and my skin started acting totally cRaZy! Seriously – I went from having pretty typical ‘normal’ skin to extremely dry, textured skin that is prone to breakouts {ugh, hormones}. Anyway, I had to totally rethink my skincare routine and the products I was using.
First up – my cleanser. I had been using another product {that I still love} for years but it was clearly time to mix things up. Either my skin had gotten used to it or my skin needs had changed so much that it just wasn’t cutting it anymore. Enter in Cle de Peau’s Clarifying Cleansing Foam. Perfect for people with normal to oily skin, this cleanser is so incredibly creamy. With a little water and a dime sized amount, you will get the most beautiful lather you have ever seen. It feels so silky and smooth. In the last few weeks since I started using it, I have seen a noticeable improvement in my skin. Specifically, the texture of my skin – it feels soft and smooth.

I typically only use this cleanser at night. Since it is a little pricier, I like to save it for when I’m taking off an entire days worth of make up and grime. Plus, in the morning I usually just rinse my face with water! There is no real need {IMO} to deep cleanse the face in the morning because all that is on the skin are the products from your nighttime skincare routine!
If you’re in the market for a new cleanser or any new beauty products, check out Cle De Peau – I’ve seen such amazing results from every product I’ve tried from them yet {pretty sure their concealer has saved my new-mama face more than a few times at this point 😂} I’ve also been loving their serum and the face oil my husband gifted to me over Christmas! Lastly, if the clarifying cleanser doesn’t speak to you, maybe consider their softening version {great for normal/dry skin types}. Although their products are an investment, they have been definitely worth it! Check out my favorites below or head to Nordstrom to see more!

thank you to Cle de Peau for sponsoring this post